New Avengers: Revolution (6)

New Avengers RevolutionWait a second when did the Iron Fist join the New Avengers.  Why is Spider-Man dressed in black?  Those are two more continuity issue between New Avengers 5  & New Avengers 6 on top of the other Spider-Man continuity issue mentioned in the New Avengers Civil War graphic novel review.  Ok, that’s the bad news, the good news is the series seems to be getting better again and the addition of Dr Strange & Iron Fist are welcome changes.

The unique thing about New Avengers Revolution is that the story actually involves Echo, also known as Ronin.  It was a bit strange that they introduced her on the team and then left her in Japan since New Avengers Secrets & Lies.  The other thing you might be interested in, is that this book is the lead into Marvel’s Secret Invasion story arc.

The story is pretty good this time and the artwork again varies per comic like it did in the New Avengers Civil War trade paperback.  That being said, I think it’s time to get to the spoilers.


This trade paperback really follows a single main storyline that is threaded throughout the book and is occasionaly broken up by some smaller stories that deal with some of the repercussions from the Civil War.  These include Luke Cage just trying to buy some milk and getting threatened by the police, Hawkeye returning from the dead and tracking down the Scarlet Witch, an assault on the Raft to rescue the body of Captain America – which turned out to be a trap, Danny Rand and his lawyer dealing with the legal issues of the registration act and Dr Voodoo searching for the missing Dr Strange.

The main storyline follows the recent past of the almost forgotten Echo who has donned the disguise of a male named Ronin and taken the Yakuza underground by storm.  She’s been captured or killed and she needs the New Avengers to recue her or… avenge her.

As Hawkeye has shown up at the New Avenger’s doorstep now Dr Strange’s house they bring him along dressed as Ronin.  Meanwhile, Maya Lopez also known as Echo is killed by Elektra who is now running the ninja organization known as the Hand.  Elektra has the Hand bring Echo back to life so that she can serve as their slave.

The New Avenger’s swoop in on the Hand grab Mya’s unconscious form and then break for the Silver Samurai’s house who is surprised and not too happy that they led the Hand right to his ancestral home.  The Hand attacks and in the confusion a still befuddled Echo stabs Dr Strange through the chest before regaining her senses.  Don’t worry, he’s fine.

After Dr Strange spits some mumbo-jumbo at Echo to clear her mind she rushes into battle and slays Elektra.  Only it’s not Elektra, it’s a skrull and if Elektra is a Skrull and leading the Hand who else out there that is pulling strings is really a Skrull.  Welcome to the Secret Invasion, buckle up it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Overall, I enjoyed this book.  I’m hoping that this begins an assention of the series back to what I had hoped it would be originally and I like the changes they made to the team post the Civil War.

Can It Stand Alone
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