Which DC Character Will the Rock Play

So it’s up in the air as to what character The Rock is going to play in the upcoming Batman vs Superman movie.  That information will not be made public until the San Diego Comic Con this summer, but he has given us some hints via Twitter.  Here’s what he’s said he has said:

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson was also interviewed by Collider, but he pretty much stated what he said in the Tweet above.  From what I’ve seen in Tweets and blogs, most people are putting money on The Rock playing the Green Lantern John Stewart.  The  Rock is too likeable and marketable to be a villian and John Stewart would allow him to take over the Green Lantern franchise from Ryan Reynolds.  I have a different theory.

Green Lantern John Stewart

So lets look at some of the qualities for a character The Rock is going to play.  The character has to be bad @ss MF able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Superman.  If we’re talking justice league characters and they’ve cast Wonder Woman it’s reasonable that The Rock’s character would be one of the integral Justice League characters and not some second tier member.  It’s also well known character that has never been portrayed on film before.  I don’t really see The Rock as a Martian Manhunter personally.  To me, the character that makes sense and could use a bit of The Rock’s likability is…

Click This Spoiler to Find Out Who The Rock Should Play

The Rock is AquamanAquaman! Think about it.  Ever since the end of Superfriends, DC has struggled with making Aquaman cool. They’ve given him a manly beard.  They cut off his arm and replaced it with a harpoon.  He has superhuman strength, but the only thing he is remembered for is his ability to talk to fish.

But Dwayne Johnson can make almost anything – like a Toothfairy – cool.  People like The Rock, and he could possibly take Aquaman from a super hero joke to a marketable property.

Oh God that picture is horrible, but you get the point.

Ok, so my theory is a little out there but I’m sticking to it.  I guess we’ll just have to wait until late July to find out for sure.