Category: X-Men

X-Men related graphic novels reviews.

Mutant Massacre

X-Men: Mutant Massacre

X-Men Mutant Massacre is one of the most infamous and talked about crossover story arcs ever.  I had always wanted to read this crossover given how many times I would find it referenced in modernContinue reading

Wolverine Get Mystique

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Now this is one of my favorite Mystique stories ever.  I know, it’s a “Wolverine” graphic novel, but Mystique is in just as many panels as he is and she’s as much a part of the story line as Wolverine.Continue reading

Wolverine Tales of Weapon X

Wolverine: Tales of Weapon X

Sometimes when I buy books I don’t exactly know what to expect.  Wolverine: Tales of Weapon X is one of those kinds of books.  You see, I tend to buy lots of graphic novels –Continue reading