Category: Graphic Novel Reviews

Chaos War

Chaos War

Ugh.   When a review starts out with the word ‘ugh’, it’s not going to be pretty.  I grabbed this book because Barnes & Nobles was having their going out of business sale and I boughtContinue reading

The Legion of Night 1

The Legion of Night 1 & 2

I wanted to do something different this month so I decided to go back.  How far back? Way back, and it goes a little something like this… I love reading old graphic novels just as much asContinue reading

Wolverine Sabretooth Evolution

Wolverine: Evolution

I bought this graphic novel for one reason, it ends here… supposedly.  That would be the epic war between Wolverine & Sabretooth, but with characters that popular and intertwined, you know it’s never really over.Continue reading

Silent War

Silent War

I was expecting so much from Silent War and I was left completely disappointed.  I’ve actually been putting off this review because I dreaded having to go back and skim through it so that I couldContinue reading

Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion

Ok, the graphic novel review you’ve all been waiting for… Ok, not really I mean it did come out in 2009 after all, but it’s what I’ve been leading up to with the last twoContinue reading

New Avengers the Trust

New Avengers: The Trust (7)

With The Trust, the New Avengers have hit a new low.  Not that I’m complaining or anything, because the low that was hit wasn’t the quality of the story or the artwork. This low is foundContinue reading

Wolverine Inner Fury

Wolverine: Inner Fury

I got this book for the same reason I bought Blood Hungry, because I like to see a different take on a classic character.  In Blood Hungry I kinda of knew what I was gettingContinue reading