New Avengers: Secret Invasion Book 1 (8)

New Avengers Secret Invasion 1Yep, another New Avengers graphic novel review.  Yay!  I’m trying to get through the stack I have of them so that I can move on to newer and possibly better things.  But hey, this is a great lead-in to Secret Invasion, whose review is coming soon.  Now, back to the topic at hand.

New Avengers: Secret Invasion Book 1 starts off where every good New Avenger’s graphic novel starts off, with a domestic dispute.  Luke Cage is pissed that Jessica Jones turned herself in to the official Avengers for the safety of their baby.  Oh Jessica, how could you turn to the man for help, they’re only gonna keep you down.  So yeah, that was book one.

Danny Rand aka Iron Fist gets some new digs for the team to live in now that Dr Strange is out of the picture.  A skrull tries to grab Echo, Wolverine saves her and then there’s a romantic moment between Clint Barton the Ronin who tends to get around doesn’t he.  I do believe he’s dated every female Avenger ever (Ok not really, but damn close).  See, no real spoilers there because it was all bound to happen.

Then things start to take off.


The Skrulls are about to lose their homeworld.  They are desperate so the king of the Skrulls follows the advice of his Royal Priest of Sciences to clone the hereos from earth and reverse engineer their abilities.  Not only does this allow the priests to make new and improved Super-Skrull, but it also allowed them to change shapeshifting Skrulls at a genetic level so they cannot be detected.  Then Galactus comes and eats their homeworld, too bad for them.

This book does introduce us to though is the Skrull Queen who takes the form of Spider-Woman and her number 2, Hank Pym.  Dun dun dunnnn.

After that the book gets weird with a Skrull ship crashing into the Savage Land filled with Skrulls who look like heroes and who actually believe that they are those heroesKa-Zar comes across the real, or possibly not Spider-Man and tells him a story about Skrulls who had infiltrating Shield to illegally mine vibranium to use as weapons against earth.

After that there’s some retconning about how Spider-Woman manipulated some stuff and whatnot leading into the House of M.  To be continued… in book 2.

All in all it’s an alright book, a good lead-in to Secret Invasion.  The first book was a little stale, but after that it picked up some speed and was entertaining.

Coming up next, Book 2.

Can It Stand Alone
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