Deadpool Classics

Deadpool: Classic 1

I’ve been a Deadpool fan since 1994.  I can say that because that is how far back this graphic novel goes and I had most of the original series covered in this trade paperback and loved them.  SoContinue reading

Mutant Massacre

X-Men: Mutant Massacre

X-Men Mutant Massacre is one of the most infamous and talked about crossover story arcs ever.  I had always wanted to read this crossover given how many times I would find it referenced in modernContinue reading

Wolverine Get Mystique

Wolverine: Get Mystique

Now this is one of my favorite Mystique stories ever.  I know, it’s a “Wolverine” graphic novel, but Mystique is in just as many panels as he is and she’s as much a part of the story line as Wolverine.Continue reading

Taskmaster Unthinkable

Taskmaster: Unthinkable

After reading Siege and Deadpool & Thunderbolts Dark Reign I was really looking forward to the book.  Finally Taskmaster was going to be getting the attention I think his under-developed character deserved.  Time to putContinue reading

New Avengers Breakout

New Avengers: Breakout

I actually got into the Avengers through the Ultimates, which was really the first true Avengers type book I had read.  After that I picked up the Essential Avengers and went from there.  So while I know the basics,Continue reading

The Legion of Night 1

The Legion of Night 1 & 2

I wanted to do something different this month so I decided to go back.  How far back? Way back, and it goes a little something like this… I love reading old graphic novels just as much asContinue reading

Wolverine Sabretooth Evolution

Wolverine: Evolution

I bought this graphic novel for one reason, it ends here… supposedly.  That would be the epic war between Wolverine & Sabretooth, but with characters that popular and intertwined, you know it’s never really over.Continue reading

Silent War

Silent War

I was expecting so much from Silent War and I was left completely disappointed.  I’ve actually been putting off this review because I dreaded having to go back and skim through it so that I couldContinue reading

Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion

Ok, the graphic novel review you’ve all been waiting for… Ok, not really I mean it did come out in 2009 after all, but it’s what I’ve been leading up to with the last twoContinue reading