Tag: Deadpool

Squirrel Girl Versus Deadpool

Cosplay Thursday – Squirrel Girl

Who doesn’t love Squirrel Girl (other than Deadpool)?  Squirrel Girls rose to prominence after kicking Deadpool’s butt during the Marvel Civil War.  Since then Deadpool has had some kind of fascination with her which hasContinue reading

Deadpool Classics

Deadpool: Classic 1

I’ve been a Deadpool fan since 1994.  I can say that because that is how far back this graphic novel goes and I had most of the original series covered in this trade paperback and loved them.  SoContinue reading

White Tiger

White Tiger: A Heroes Compulsion

I had such high hopes for this version of the White Tiger, not that I knew anything about White Tiger before reading this book, because honestly I’m not really a heroes for hire type of guy.  ThisContinue reading

Wolverine Tales of Weapon X

Wolverine: Tales of Weapon X

Sometimes when I buy books I don’t exactly know what to expect.  Wolverine: Tales of Weapon X is one of those kinds of books.  You see, I tend to buy lots of graphic novels –Continue reading

Civil War X-Men Universe

Civil War: X-Men Universe

Ok, another Civil War book, but this one has promise because Deadpool plays a major part in the book.  Of course I love Deadpool and I knew he would make an appearance which made thisContinue reading