White Tiger: A Heroes Compulsion

White TigerI had such high hopes for this version of the White Tiger, not that I knew anything about White Tiger before reading this book, because honestly I’m not really a heroes for hire type of guy.  This incarnation of the White Tiger is Angela del Toro is a very sexy hispanic FBI agent turned super hero for the working class, this book really has potential right?  I mean we’re going to see guest appearances from Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Spider-man, the Lizard, the White Queen, Black Widow and even my main man Deadpool.  This book had so much potential but unfortunately it failed to live to it in just about every way imaginable.

From the beginning of the book until the end of the book the White Tiger is trying to stop Chaey.  I have finished the book and I still have no idea who or what Chaey is and the book did not engage me enough to look it up and find out.  Just about every five pages the White Tiger gets in a fight, but it’s against the same ass-clowns every time; a yukuza boss’ son named Sano Orii who apparently killed her FBI partner and Cobra a poor man’s King Cobra.  It is annoying how many times they repeat the same fight in different locations with the exact same outcome.

The overall storytelling was stilted, stuttering the same things over and over again and it referenced a good deal of historical information from outside the book with no exposition at all to explain it.

The guest appearances are just tacked on to the story without having any meaning or purpose.  Ok, maybe with the exception of “Daredevil” who guides her through her new “costume” lifestyle.  For example, Deadpool attacked her thinking she was the Black Cat, once he realised she wasn’t exactly wearing black he took off.

Here’s the spoiler, but as nothing really pertinant happens in the book I’m going to keep it brief.


So here’s whats of import in this title.  Matt Murdock is locked up for crimes committed as Daredevil, but there’s a Daredevil guiding Angelea del Toro into her new life as a “costume”.  Turns out it’s long time family friend Danny Rand better known as Iron Fist dressed up as Daredevil to put doubt into Mathew Murdock’s guilt of being Daredevil.

That’s pretty much the only thing that is of import to the entire Marvel universe in the entire book.  I mean some fake passports get removed from the street and that Yakuza kid commits sepaku, but no one really cares about him anyway.

Well, that’s it.  Regardless of how hot White Tiger looks on the cover I just can’t recommend this graphic novel to anyone.  A pity…

Can It Stand Alone
Cool Factor